Hi everyone,
Jeff is out of town this week, so I’m your guest writer for the church’s blog. At first I didn’t want to, but Jeff can be so charismatic and charming that I just had to say yes. I’m sure this goes without saying, but the posts he’s been doing about words has been really great and in no way exhausting to read. I could read his musings on obscure lexical intricacies for the rest of my life!
As the guest writer this week, the only thing I really want to do is emphasize how great Jeff’s writing is. It’s like what would happen if Shakespeare had better ideas. It’s like if Oscar Wilde was cleverer. It’s like if Robert Frost has a stronger grasp of metaphors. It’s like if JRR Tolkien had a better understanding of how societies function.
Ok. That’s it. That’s the post for the day. Thanks for letting me be the first person to guest write on this blog. I’m so lucky that I get to be a part of this blog that is in no way pointless or overwritten.
Sue Donim
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