Women's Association
The TCPC Women’s Association has met for many years to share devotions, prayers, fellowship lunch, and to hear from special speakers. The group welcomes all women to bring a lunch and we provide beverages and dessert. They collect the “least coin” to help others and support various community outreach organizations. During the year, they meet with other community groups such as Our Lady of Lourdes and Temple B’rith Kodesh for joined lunches. The Women's Association also collects items for May Day Baskets and assemble and deliver to TCPC shut-ins. They participate in potlucks, bake sales, and holiday events. Come and be part of a group that seeks to understand our faith and help others!

Men's Bible Study Group
The Men’s Bible Study Group dates back to the early days of our Congregation. It is now a multi-congregational group with men attendees from the surrounding community. They meet every Thursday morning at 7 a.m. The group shares coffee, donuts, cares and concerns, and actively pray for each other. The group reads passages of the Bible aloud together and discusses the passage later for context and thoughts. In this way, their understanding of the scriptures is deepened, and appreciation grows for the way each member understands them. A small collection at each meeting helps pay expenses and also provides a fund for charitable contributions.
Contact Us
Twelve Corners Presbyterian Church is located in Rochester, NY. If you’re interested in learning more about us and how you can participate, donate your time to the community, or become a member, we invite you to contact us or visit us any time! We can be reached by calling our office at 585-244-8585, sending an email through our secure contact page, or stopping by during our office hours. We're located at 1200 S. Winton Road in Brighton, NY.