Alright. I’m writing something.
Is this a remarkable thing? Theoretically no. However, in practice, yes.
There have been a few times over the past couple of years where I have tried to write something insightful only to be completely empty of insight. Most recently, in May, I wrote:
Part of me feels like I’m writing all of this in the hopes that I’ll stumble upon some pearl of wisdom or nugget of truth to impart, like I can create meaning just by willing words into existence. But that also means that I’m trying to validate something without value and am looking to justify the time spent to write (and read) this nonsense.
So that’s basically where I am today. It’s a shame that I’ve already written that post, because I would really like to write a post about how I don’t know what to write. But I’ve done that already, so this is instead a post about process. Here is a list of ways in which I’ve tried to start this blog (please note that any incomplete sentences are not a typo, just the extent of my creativity):
I love when people are good at things.
I’ve been having a lot of conversations about _______.
I don’t like recommending music to people.
Have you ever noticed that life sometimes _________.
People can be really bad at things, and I really like that.
I’m really bad at a lot of things, but that’s fine by me.
There is so much stuff to know. There are so many things I don’t know.
The other day I read _____.
I love pears! They’re among my favorite fruits. I’m not very good at picking out good pears, which is a quandary.
I love the phrase “leaf peeping.”
I really like playing card games.
I’m trying to figure out if any of those sentences will ever go anywhere.
My goal with these blog posts is to write them every week whether I have something or not. I write it, knowing that people (you) will read this. It’s all rather embarrassing. But sometimes you have to be willing to do something that you know doesn’t work if you want to get to something that does. That’s what this post has turned into. I’ve spent an annoying amount of time trying to wring meaning out of what I’ve written. It’s annoying to spend all that time only to come up empty. But if this is the result of my best efforts, then at a certain point I have to accept that my best efforts weren’t quite up to my standards today. So here’s the point of it all – do something poorly today. Burn some cookies. Lose at cards. Drop a stitch in your knitting. Get a papercut reading a book. Score a 47 when bowling. Some days are like that. It’s ok. I tried, I failed, but I know I can do better. I’m excited to write something fun soon enough, but this is what I can do right now.
Alright. I’m writing something.
Join us again next week, where I fail to share interesting thoughts about leaf peeping!
Rev. Jeff Fox-Kline
Whether you're new in your faith journey and looking for others to connect with in the community, or you're a seasoned believer seeking deeper engagement and growth, our church offers a warm and welcoming space for everyone. To learn more about Twelve Corners Presbyterian Church, contact our office or visit us to chat! We're located at 1200 S. Winton Road in Rochester, NY in the town of Brighton. We look forward to connecting with you!